3 Years BA LLB
LL.B or Bachelor Of Legislature Law is 3 years course. The course arrangement is divided into 6 semesters end of 6 months , on successful completion of course the LLB degree is awarded
The teaching and instructions shall be in accordance with the Bar Council of India Rules. The candidates admitted to the course shall pursue the courses of study.
The duration of the course leading to the Bachelor's Degree in Law (LL.B) shall be of three academic Year. Each academic year comprises of 2 semesters
Degree in Law (LL.B) not only offers just employment but it also provides a person and instrument to fight against inequalities and wrong deeds of all the types in the society.
The course is designed to create thorough- bred legal; professionals. This time-tested course as been used by those who wish to join the Legal mainstream as well as those seeking. the course is open to those who have completed any graduate degree.
Semester Details
I Semester
- Constitutional Law-I
- Contract-I
- Law of Torts
- Family Law-I Hindu Law
- Criminal Law-I Indian Penal Code
- English
II Semester
- Kannada/Kannada Kali
- Constitutional Law-II
- Contract-II
- Labour Law-I
- Property Law
- Family Law-II Mohd. Law & Indian Succession Act
III Semester
- Jurisprudence
- Labour Law-II
- Law of Taxation
- Criminal Law-II Cr. P.C.JJ Act P.O Act
- Administrative Law
IV Semester
- Public International Law
- Human Rights
- Banking Law
- CC-I Professional Ethics
V Semester
- Company Law
- Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
- OPT-III : Penology and Victimology
- OPT-IV:Interpretation of Statues and Principles of Legislation
- Clinical Course-III Drafting Pleading and Conveyance
VI Semester
- Law of Evidence
- Environmental Law
- White Collar Crimes
- Land Laws
- Clinical Course-IV Moot Court Exercise & Internship